Friday, September 11, 2009

annie rose, I hope you dance

Annie Rose has got the moves!

my littlest flower girl that I REALLY hope dances at the reception, the little move she does at the beginning reminds me of Sister Act 2! she was cracking me up! I was trying to find a fun show on one of the kids channels and accidentally clicked on Hip Hop Harry and Annie started dancing so of course... I grabbed my camera!

its so funny- she really was trying to copy what they were doing on the tv! please ignore my dumb voice- why did I speak during this adorable video!! haha... the kids on the video were breakdancing- she tries that out, then she does what the rest of the kids were doing in the circle waving their arms!

Nikki- a couple of things she does with her arms remind me of when you are being silly! so funny!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaahaha!! Soooo adorable! I'm glad you thought to grab your camera and take a video! I hope she dances at the reception too! Can't wait to see that. What a little cutie. :) Thanks for sharing!
