Sunday, August 30, 2009

decorating with light

LANTERNS! recent obsession...

cool birdcages mixed in could really add style too

tea lights in random jars all over the place

lights, jars, and lanterns hanging on branches

string lights!! the kind that have the circle bulbs-

I bought three sets at World Market, one of my favorite stores EVER, I wish so bad that World Market and Pier One had Wedding Registries... because THAT is where I would go! haha... today we were thinking of registry stuff and I got so overwhelmed.... advice anyone? good stores with cool styles?
I love this glass vase with tree branches and little tea lights hanging from it!

now.... THESE last two pictures capture the essence of what I want my wedding to look like...

I have about 30 lanterns already I think.... and I bought 6 mini favor lanterns from Micheals the other day... I have gotten LOST in Micheals for hours lately in Martha Stewart's Wedding area...

Suggested Wedding Blogs anyone?

I get sucked into them and hours pass by, I forget I'm hungry and all the sudden something grabs my attention and I realize my eyes hurt from looking at the computer screen glazed over


  1. i just saw your thing about pier 1... we registered there when we got married. do they not do it anymore?

  2. nope, they dont! so sad... they said the products turn around too fast.

  3. Hey... I think it would be pretty cool if everyone brought a lantern to the wedding to add to the collection. At least it would promise an eclectic bunch and you save some money. Just a thought...

    As far as a place to register, I'm drawing a blank.

  4. now THAT is a cool idea!!!! especially my local friends or really close friends and family... then I guess they would know which one to take home because they would know exactly where they sat it! hmmm.... i like this

  5. I love all the lanterns, especially the pic with the asian looking ones. I think you should look at Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrell, they have cool stuff that is different than department stores.
